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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

It's fun to look back at old Apple emails. Check them out.

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

My Ever-Growing Apple Collection

Since I plan on picking up some more laptops to beef up my collection, I figured I’m going to need some more space.

I always though this wall was under-utilized. It could use a shelf or two.


If I put a shelf above the 24 x 36 frames, I can showcase some of my boxes there. That will free up some space on the shelves by the window.


That, in turn, will free up some space for me to move all the hardware over on these shelves.


I can then fill up those shelves with laptops and keep all the computers together.

I ran to Home Depot and picked up an 8 foot shelf. I had to move the frames down 9 inches in order to make room for some of the bigger boxes. I wanted to leave a 15” clearance in case I decide in the future to put the iBook and PowerBook boxes up there.

shelf up

I moved all the iPods, iPhones, Newtons, etc over to the shelves by the window and spread out the iPod boxes along the top.

hardware closeup


Now that the misc hardware has been moved over, I can fit all my laptops on the shelves above the Macs. There’s even a little room for a few more. I can even stack them on top of each other if I have to.


And here’s a little panorama I stitched together….
