I Did It! I Did It! The Mac Pro is Mine!
March 14, 2008 Filed in:
Mac ProI did it! After a year of eBay’ing everything and anything I can get a buck for, I did it! I finally saved up over $3000 for the Mac Pro. Well, actually I had the money sooner and I would have ordered a while ago, but I was waiting for the new 8-core machines to ship with the 8800GT. While I was saving/waiting I blew some of that cash on things such as iLife 08, Leopard, iPods, software, MacBook upgrades, AppleCare, and a bunch of other stuff. I placed my order from MacMall.com. (I ordered my MacBook Pro and Video iPod from them, so we go way back.) I also picked up another 2 Gigs of RAM from another one of my favorite sites, Other World Computing.
My machine should be here next Wednesday. I can’t wait. It’s like a dream come true!