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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

My Sister's New MacBook Air

I can’t believe the amount of people I’ve convinced to switch to an iPhone, iPad and a Mac in the past year. I swear Apple should pay me for this.

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It took me a few years to convince my sister to finally buy an iPhone, but I did it. She used a cheap flip phone and “didn’t see the draw” with the whole smartphone thing. Her “dumb” phone was dying and she wanted to replace it. Needless to say, she went for the iPhone 4S. After a week she didn’t know how she got by without it.

She’s been sick of Windows for years. Not to mention, her crappy laptop has been on its last leg for a while. The battery no longer holds a charge and sometimes it just refuses to power on at all.

She’s been hearing me rave about Apple, OS X, and the Mac for years. I finally convinced her to blow her tax refund on a MacBook Air. They say, “once you drink the Kool Aid....” I guess using the iPhone for a few weeks was enough to see the light.

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I helped her with the unboxing and the setup. I moved over all her music, pics, etc from her old laptop. I also got all her iCloud stuff all synced up between her iPhone and the Mac. She’s thrilled.

The MacBook Air is an amazing machine. It’s sooo light. I can’t believe how fast it is too. That SSD really zips along!

I’d love to have one, but I’m afraid my iPad would get jealous!