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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

It's fun to look back at old Apple emails. Check them out.

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All company logos and product names may be registered trademarks and are hereby acknowledged.

© 2004-2022 Kevin Rye. All Rights Reserved.

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

eBay Score: StyleWriter II Ink

As you know, I finally fixed up that StyleWriter II. All I needed to do was pick up a new ink cartridge. I checked out Staples for a Canon BC-02 cartridge, but they had the audacity to charge almost $30.00 for one. Crazy.

I looked on eBay for one and managed to score 4 original Apple cartridges for $1.29. Not each, $1.29 for all of them! Awesome.

Pasted Graphic 16

They are mint in the box. They are dated 1995, so hopefully they are not all dried up. Even if they don’t, they’ll still look great in my museum.

stylewriter ink