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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

It's fun to look back at old Apple emails. Check them out.

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

The $2 Tic Tac Shuffle Holder

It seems that if your packaging contains the word “iPod” it means you can charge at least $19.98 for it. Seriously, try and find a good iPod case for under $20.

I picked up a decent scratch guard for the Shuffle when I bought it. It does a good job of protecting the front from from being scratched. However, it does little to protect the back, especially when I carry the thing in my pocket with my keys. l have already noticed a little scratch across the Apple logo on the back.

Another problem is headphones. Along with the Shuffle, I also have to carry a little headphone case. Needless to say, I have been searching high and low for a cheap Shuffle case that will not only protect my Shuffle from scratches, but will also house a pair of headphones.

Some things are so simple: Tic Tacs. Yes, Tic Tacs. I had a case of Tic Tacs. I was about to throw away the empty case when I thought it might come in handy. It’s one of the new large cases. I though maybe I could put paper clips in it or something. So when I got home, I threw it on my computer desk. That was yesterday. Today I got home from work and placed my Shuffle on the computer desk. I was checking my mail when I just happened to look down at the Shuffle sitting next to the empty Tic Tac case, and a synapse fired: Shuffle/Headphone case!


I peeled the label off and tried it out. What a perfect fit. I just have to remove the sticky stuff that the label left behind; nothing a little lighter fluid can’t cure! Hey, I think I’ll add a little Apple logo while I’m at it.

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